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Now, if you've previously read my blog, you may already know that I am in fact a book fanatic. I love  to read and although this has been a tricky hobby to fulfil over the course of recent months, I am finally getting back into reading again and what better way to celebrate than to write a good old book review?

If you're familiar with Pretty Little Liars in any way, shape or form, you may also be familiar with the author of the original PLL - the book series. I've mentioned Sara Shepard on my blog a few times before today and I actually reviewed the first book in this particular series back in January (you can read that review here) and she is in fact one of, if not my most, favourite authors of all time and so I really wanted to review the second book in The Amateurs series, entitled Follow Me.

As I mentioned in my previous book review of The Amateurs, every time Sara writes a new book I can't help but read it. She has an incredible writing style that means you can't put the book down - every book is addictive and I love it. Follow Me was no exception. Obviously, I'm going to try and avoid spoilers throughout this post as you need to read it yourself, and I mean need to - it's incredible.

This is the blurb:

I know you know what I did. 
And I know you want to find me. 
I'm not done with you, either. 

It's only been months since the Amateurs solved the mystery of who killed Aerin Kelly's sister Helena - but they now have a new case. Social media star Chelsea Dawson has vanished from a party without a trace, and Seneca realises that the petite, blonde young woman is a dead ringer for Aerin's sister. 

Will the Amateurs take up the invitation fro none other than their prime suspect to go to the very place of Chelsea's disappearance? Do they have it in them to solve another crime and to avenge Helena's death?

A twisted path is opening up before Seneca and her friends - one crafted by a brilliant killer. The question is: will the Amateurs play his game? 

I have to admit, I was sceptical when starting this second instalment because I didn't think that Sara would be able to top the last book - I was wrong. I couldn't put this down - I read the majority of the book on my train journey back home and, even in the time I wasn't reading it, I was constantly thinking about it - I could not get it out of my mind. It was addictive, but I shouldn't have expected anything less.

Without spoiling this book, nor the previous instalment, I obviously am unable to give too many details away but I can give a few. Follow Me includes the same characters as in The Amateurs, give or take a couple of people and really it's a continuation of the cliffhanger left at the end of the original book. As per usual, the plot was thrilling, suspenseful and truly engaging - so much in fact that I felt like I, myself, was in the story with the characters. I found myself attempting to theorise the outcomes, and I found myself gobsmacked when the actual outcomes were revealed.

Obviously, in case you couldn't tell already, this book had me hooked. I felt truly invested in the characters, their lives and the plot. Again, Sara is an insanely talented writer and I will continue to read her work - she never disappoints. I am really hoping for a third instalment of the series and, if that does happen, I'll be the first to pre-order the book. To anyone who is yet to read any of her work, please do - I promise you will not regret it. Sara, thank you for creating such genius pieces of work, Follow Me one hundred percent gets a five star rating from me.


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