
fashion, beauty and a bit of everything else

Nottingham, UK

♡ My Travel Bucket List! ♡

If you follow me on my social media (particularly Instagram), you may have gathered that I love, love, love travelling and visiting new places and I am constantly looking for new places to visit, things to do there and adding new destinations to my travel bucket list. I think it's safe to say that my travel bucket list is pretty long at this current moment in time so I thought that I would share my little (or not so little) bucket list with the world on my blog - I'm not going to lie, there are a lot of places so it won't be a very detailed post at all, really.

These images are not my own and were each collected from a Google Image search and made into a collage by myself. 

Firstly, I've wanted to visit America for as long as I can remember. My brother and I used to always plan our dream American road trip and where we would visit, what we would do and when we would go and, so far, we haven't managed to get over to the U.S to do this huge road trip we always dreamed of, but my Mum and I are going to New York in October for five days for my 18th birthday present. My Mum had been promising me for years (I'm pretty sure she'd told me when I was about ten years old) that we would go to the Big Apple for my 18th and I've just never dropped it, and I'm so incredibly excited to finally be going! And yes, there will be NY themed blog posts! 

Croatia is also one my top destinations on my travel bucket list. I love the idea of visiting somewhere that's not majorly western and touristy and experiencing their culture because I genuinely think that it's such a pretty destination and I've heard really great things about it! My friends and I are planning on going on holiday to Croatia next year so, if all goes well, I should be able to tick it off my bucket list!

I think I'm extremely lucky to be able to say that I've travelled to various destinations in Europe, however, there are definitely a few more places around the continent that I would love to travel to. I've always, from such a young age, wanted to visit Greece and experience the Greek way of living and, because of this, Greece is right up there towards the top of my travel bucket list. I also would love to visit Prague, Amsterdam, Berlin, Bruges, Brussels and Barcelona. Along with such destinations, I think it would be amazing to visit Italy - I feel that there's so much history and culture to experience in the country that it'd be a trip full of learning and that'd be so lovely to experience.

Iceland is a place that I would love to visit. I've not always thought of Iceland as a place that I'd typically want to visit but, as I've grown up and got older, the more I do want to visit Iceland. I would also really love to be able to say that I've seen the Northern Lights - though that doesn't necessarily come with visiting Iceland. I just think that a trip to Iceland would be insane and would be an experience that I'd never forget.

From a really young age, the idea of visiting Japan has always interested me. The culture and way of life for the Japanese is totally different to that of the UK, and totally different to anywhere that I've visited before and I honestly think that it'd be so amazing to have the opportunity to experience even a little snippet of their culture. My Mum has also wanted to visit Japan for her whole life and has never managed to do so, so if I ever had the opportunity, I'd love to be able to take her there.

Sticking with destinations in and around Asia, I would also really love to visit Thailand, Singapore and Bali. I think that it would be incredible to be able to travel to each and every one of these destinations - once again, I love to experience different cultures and I find it so interesting to be able to see differences in cultures and life in different places around the world. I also think it's amazing to see the beauty and landscape of various places and how different the landscapes can be in different countries.

The Dominican Republic and Bora Bora are both tropical destinations that have always interested me. Both destinations appear so beautifully in the media, online and in photos and I cannot imagine anything better than to experience that beauty in person.

I'm not going to lie, there are so many more places that I would love to visit at some point during my lifetime but, if I told you them all, we'd be here forever. I would love to be able to say, one day, that I've visited everywhere in the world - I know this isn't likely to be the case, but how amazing would that be? To be able to say 'yes, I've been to every destination in the world, or, every destination I've ever wanted to go to' - that would be incredible. I definitely think I've caught the travel bug, but I'm not complaining - I'm so incredibly lucky to have the opportunity to travel and I'm so incredibly lucky to have already visited the places that I've visited. I mean, who can say that they went to China when they were 14?! That's insane.


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