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Nottingham, UK

♡ 5 Quotes To Live By ♡

I've been feeling quite positive about the future and motivated for life in general recently and I was thinking about things generally and I thought: what are some things to live by? I know I have some quotes and sayings that I think are really inspirational and motivational and definitely put me into this space of positivity and, as it is that time of year where people are going back to school and some are beginning a new chapter in their lives, I thought I'd put some of these positive sayings, quotes and things to live by into a blog post and share this recent burst of positivity with the internet.

Image from besottedblog.com
Carpe Diem: perhaps one of my favourite things to live by. Seize the day - take every opportunity you can, do what you need to do and truly live your life because, in my opinion, there's nothing worse than the feeling of regret.

Image from rebloggy.com

This is an attitude that I wish I'd had earlier and it really is true. If you're unhappy with something in your life, take the steps and make the changes you need to make in order to be happy with it. For example, my GCSE results weren't bad but I knew I could do a lot better and I knew that I could've (and should've) worked a lot harder than I did for them, so I put a lot of effort and work into revising for my AS exams and did the best I could do and came out with results that were significantly better than I'd been getting in the past - I made a change and I'm a lot happier due to the results of the changes I made. 

Image from movemequotes.tumblr.com
I really like this quote / saying because it reminds you that you don't necessarily get what you want straight away - a lot of the time you have to work for the rewards and results that you want. By being positive, patient and persistent, you're giving yourself more opportunity to receive the results you want - after all, they do say good things come to those who wait. 

Image from pinterest.com
I love this because it reminds me that, no, things aren't always easier and, just because they're not easy, that doesn't mean we should give up. It really reinforces the need for not giving up because, really, if we all gave up when things were difficult, we wouldn't get anywhere in life. We need to persevere through the bad times to reach better times. 

Image from www.wuwumagazine.com
And finally, this one is pretty self explanatory - be the real you, the best version of yourself and do the best you possibly can. Don't compare yourself to someone else because only you is you and your maximum effort and the best that you can do is enough. 

I guess, what I'm trying to get out of this post is that we need to each be positive and if we are positive, and work hard and put as much effort as we individually can into everything we do, good things will happen. If you're unhappy for a certain reason, make the changes necessary in order to be happy. Don't compare yourself to other people, there's only one YOU. Seize the day, work hard and don't give up when things get difficult - we must be positive and persistent and positive things will happen. Positive mind, positive outcome. 


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