
fashion, beauty and a bit of everything else

♡ 2016 Night Routine ♡

Hello everyone and, once again, welcome back to my blog. Today, I'm here with my night routine as I promised a while back now. I'm just going to talk you through the kind of things I get up to on a typical night, and the products that I like to use.

I'm going to kick this off with what I do when I get home from sixth form and continue with the rest of the night because, really, who knows when someone's night actually starts?! So maybe this is my evening routine rather than a night routine but, anyway, on a typical day I'll get home from sixth form at about ten past / quarter past three and I'll start off my evening by grabbing a drink and going upstairs to my bedroom to do my homework (if I've not already done it at school) or some revision - and, most of the time, I'll do this until dinner time (usually around quarter past / half past 6). However, on some days, I won't do this because I'll have had a driving lesson or there might be something I want to watch on TV so I'll cut out a small amount of time to do this instead.

After I've eaten my dinner, I'll generally go upstairs once again and either watch some YouTube videos or write and plan a couple of blog posts. On other days, however, I might watch something with my parents downstairs or go out driving with my Mum. I'll usually do this until around 8PM, where I'll actually start to settle down for the night - I'll put something on on my TV or I'll watch something on Netflix and relax. At this point, I usually start to take my make up off and continue with my general day-to-day skincare routine. Speaking of my skincare routine - it hasn't actually changed dramatically since the last time I wrote about it on my blog but, of course, I'll quickly recap it anyway. Firstly, I'll grab my Simple 'Kind to Skin Cleansing Facial Wipes' and wipe all of my face make up off, and make a start on my eye make up but then I'll use my Simple eye make up remover on a cotton pad to make sure I've taken all of my eye make up off. I'll then go in with my Freederm cleansing wipes (if I have any) just to, once again, make sure I've got all of the make up off my face. Finally, I'll use my Benefit Total Moisture facial cream to moisturize my face and then that's basically it for my skincare routine.

Then, I'll get myself into bed and continue watching whatever I'm watching - lately I've been loving Making A Murderer on Netflix and The People vs. OJ Simpson on BBC2. When it get's to around quarter past 9, I'll probably go and brush my teeth and pop my retainers in and then go back to bed, and just carry on watching something or listening to music and scrolling through my social networks on my phone - and I'll go to sleep when I've finished doing this.

So there we have it - my 2016 night routine. I'm super sorry if it's a bit of a boring post, but I did promise it a while back. Either way, I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you next week with a brand new post.


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