
fashion, beauty and a bit of everything else

Nottingham, UK

2021 GOALS

As is tradition on my blog, every year I write a blog post about my goals and aims for the coming year. Basically a New Years' resolutions post... but without calling them resolutions. This year is going to be a weird one because, a) global pandemic and, b) it's really the first year that I'm not in education and so there'll be no educational/academic goals. 

Last year was interesting, to say the least, and on the whole I'm happy with where the year took me. I learnt a lot about myself and stuck to my word of focusing on myself - I didn't get into any messy boy situations, I really focused on myself and what I want and sometimes that meant cutting off friendships that weren't right anymore, I had some big lifestyle changes and a lot of tension came with many of the changes but all in all, it was a good year (well, as good as it could've been considering the pandemic situation).

So, given that there's a lot of uncertainty in the world at the moment, I think my goals for the year will probably reflect that - I'm not sure what the year ahead holds for us all but here are some things I hope to achieve:

  • Read more. This is a goal I have every single year and, in recent years, it's started off well and then has gone downhill very quickly when I've gone back to university and academic reading has taken over from reading for fun - hopefully this will be different this year!

  • Get more into exercise and fitness. This is something I started this year when I started running but, having got a dodgy knee, I ended up having to give up running but it's something that I actually found I enjoyed so hopefully I'll be able to get back into it and other kinds of fitness too.

  • Blog more. Hahaha, another recurring goal. I have really slacked on my blog for the last couple of years so I'm really hoping to get back into it, especially when life begins to (hopefully) get back to some kind of normal again. 

  • Save money! This year I really want to make an effort to save and not spend, in the hopes of being able to move out of my parents' house and I guess just be a bit more savvy with my money. Though, I'm not convinced my shopping addiction will help that situation...

  • Be happy. So incredibly cringey but this is the ultimate goal, isn't it? I want to work to be the best version of myself and be genuinely happy in whatever I end up doing. 

My goals for the year are quite basic and broad but I'm feeling positive about the year. Hopefully the pandemic situation will begin to calm down and we'll manage to find some form of normality again in the near future and we'll be able to get on with our lives rather than being stuck feeling like we're in limbo all the time. And I hope 2021 brings more hope and positivity into the world; let's try for a better year than last year. So, on that note, Happy New Year everyone, stay safe and well - and I hope this year is everything you want it to be. 


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