
fashion, beauty and a bit of everything else

London, UK


We all have that one piece of clothing, bag or pair of shoes that we can't live without. Whether it's something new, an old trend or something with sentimental value - there's always that one item that makes such an impact on you that you can't bear to even think about the potential of not having it. For me, it's my Vans. 

And, if you know me, you won't be shocked by this revelation. My old school Vans are pretty much the only shoes I wear - bar a couple of exceptions. Ask any of my friends about my wardrobe and they'll probably tell you that my Vans are my most prized possession in terms of fashion. It's kind of just that obvious. 

I used to be a big shoe person - meaning all I would buy would be shoes. It was a bit of an obsession - like a shopaholic but only with shoes. My parents used to say that I had 'more shoes than a shoe shop' and, to be completely honest, they probably weren't wrong. But now? I'm a one shoe (pair of shoes, obviously) kinda gal. Little miss 'I'm scared of commitment' over here, is fully, one hundred percent committed to these shoes. And I think every person should be, too. Okay, maybe that's an exaggeration but come on, it's thrilling to have something in your wardrobe that's kind of a trademark, right?  

The thing about these Vans - as is the case with any worthy item of clothing - is that you can style them in pretty much any way possible. I have the traditional(?) black and white version, but they do make them in a number of colours and, if my bank account wasn't stopping me, I would probably own them all by now. 

I realise, now, that this sounds just like a post to advertise Vans. It's not. Ugh, I wish! The point is - I think - that fashion brings joy, and when you find something that works for you - it's okay to kind of make it into your fashion trademark. And I guess, maybe - just maybe - I did want to hype up Vans a bit - because I love them. But that's all - let's just call this a love letter?

What's your fashion trademark? Or have you not found it yet? Happy shopping, pals.



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