
fashion, beauty and a bit of everything else

London, UK


If you've not been living under a literal rock, you'll know how close we're getting to Christmas. As I mentioned in my previous post, I'm really looking forward to Christmas and I'm constantly feeling super festive, so what better way to celebrate than sharing my Christmas movie watch list with my lovely blog readers?! These are my top picks of my favourite Christmas movies - all conveniently compiled into one post.

1. Elf 

Aka my all time favourite Christmas movie - I absolutely love it. It's such a feel-good movie, I don't know how anyone could not enjoy it. Trust me, if you haven't seen it, you're seriously missing out. 

2. The Polar Express

Personally, I think The Polar Express is severely underrated. It was the Christmas movie of my childhood - we had a tradition that we would watch it every Christmas Eve and it was magical. But seriously, it's a classic and I honestly believe that every person should watch it at least once in their life. 

3. Arthur Christmas

Okay, so this is quite a recent movie (I think it's only three or four years old) but it's definitely one of my top Christmas movies. I remember going to see it at the cinema when it first came out and loved it. It's now on Netflix and it's one of those films that I never get bored of. 

4. The Holiday

Ahh, I adore The Holiday. It's a masterpiece - I genuinely think it is. I love everything about it and, again, if you've never seen it - what are you doing? Everyone should watch it. You're one hundred percent missing out if you don't watch it. 

5. Miracle on 34th Street

An oldie but a goodie. Miracle on 34th Street is incredible - I had it on video tape, and remember watching it curled up on the sofa years and years ago. I never get bored of it, it's kind of iconic, actually. 

Writing this blog post has given me serious festive vibes. All I want to do is watch Christmas movies and drink hot chocolate and be nice and cosy but, unfortunately, I am now a university student and I have a billion deadlines coming up so my festivities are just going to have to wait until I get home. What are your favourite Christmas movies? Am I missing any from my top 5? Let me know! 


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