
fashion, beauty and a bit of everything else

Nottingham, UK


Internet friends. We all have them - and if you don't, you're missing out. It's a common misconception that internet friends aren't 'real friends' but, quite honestly, I am closer to some of my internet friends than I am with people I know that I haven't met on the internet. I love that I've met some of my favourite people in the world through common interests - mainly The Vamps.

As we grow up, we're constantly told not to talk to people online, not to talk to 'strangers', don't talk to people you've never met, blah blah blah but, for this generation in particular, that's a 'risk' a lot of people are willing to take. My internet friends are real friends - they're people that I am so genuinely happy to have met.

This time three years ago, I didn't even know most of these people existed, yet, now, I consider some of these people, these 'strangers' I met on the internet my closest friends. I've experienced some incredible things with my internet friends, they've been there for me all along and I've made some amazing memories with them - memories that will stay with me for a very long time. This post isn't going to be a long one - purely because I don't want it to get all soppy and emotional - you know what I mean. It's more of an appreciation post - I just want to put it out there that I'm so incredibly grateful for my internet friends - I doubt many of them will read this, but if they are - you're great and I love you lots :) I am also so grateful for our common interests - The Vamps, etc etc, because without them, we probably wouldn't have met.

I said this post wouldn't be soppy but, upon reflection, it appears to be getting that way and so I'm going to leave it here. Enjoy these snaps of my pals and I, and also make the most of your internet friends - they're great.


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