
fashion, beauty and a bit of everything else

Nottinghamshire, UK


I've seen this style of post floating around the blogosphere quite a lot recently and really wanted to incorporate it into my own blog. For my first post of my upcoming 'My Week in Photos' series, I thought I would start with February half term. I'm not even going to lie to you, I had a pretty boring week - it wasn't exactly action-packed so I went for the one-photo-a-day approach. I chose to do Saturday to Saturday and I've tried to summarize each of my days with just one photo so I hope you enjoy this mini insight into my week!


Girls night at TGIs to celebrate the end of another half term...


The most exciting part of my day was work. And that wasn't even exciting.


Day one of my friends and I's health kick - starting off with a run and ending with a delicious salad. #HealthyLiving!


Ah, probably the end of my health kick. I went out for a lovely meal with my Auntie and Uncle and spent the rest of the day doing school work - how exciting!


Popped down to Birmingham for a nice little shopping trip with my friend Nicola - I spent lots of money, and I'm pretty sure that my bank account is still not quite over it.


Spent the day doing school work (again) and also went into Nottingham for a bank meeting and a quick stroll around town while my Mum popped to the opticians. So here's an OOTD: My shoes are Converse, jeans are Topshop, my top is from Forever 21 and I just wore my big fluffy winter coat with it.


Literally another full work day - thrilling, I know.


A super fun day at work and then my friend, Lauren, came round in the evening and we had a mini movie night. First we watched Nerve (it was super great, I really recommend it) and then had a Justin Bieber marathon - Never Say Never and then binge watching YouTube videos.

As I mentioned earlier, this probably wasn't the most exciting of weeks but hopefully this was an interesting post for you guys. Once again, thanks for reading my blog and I'll see you very soon with a new (perhaps more exciting) post.


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