
fashion, beauty and a bit of everything else

Nottingham, UK


2017. The start of a new year. A new chapter in everyone's lives. At the start of every year, I like to sit and think about the things I want to accomplish and achieve during the year ahead. I love to write a blog post all about my goals and resolutions (though I hate the words 'New Years Resolutions') for the new year. This allows me to both share my list with the world, and gives me a hard copy of what I want to achieve.

I have a few blogging resolutions for 2017. As you may know, since I started my blog back in 2014, I've posted a new post every single Sunday without fail. This year, while I will still continue to post once a week (for the majority of the time, anyway), I don't want to have a set day for blog uploads. I kind of want to have a little bit more freedom with when I post on my blog. Like I said, there will most likely be a new post every week still, but posts may be uploaded on a Monday one week and a Thursday the next week - who knows. This coincides with the direction I want to take my blog in - over the past year or so, I've felt that my blog has been pretty generic (you know, the typical 'beauty, fashion, lifestyle' posts) and so, while I will still be posting a lot about the things that I usually post about, I want to cut down on some posts - for example, instead of writing a monthly favourites post every month, I'm likely to write one every two to three months, this means that I'll have more products to write about, and I'll have more space and time to write about other things. Along with this, I'm going to be introducing new posts into my blog (some may be series of posts and some may be single posts, you'll just have to wait and see) that both continue with my usual themes but also introduce new themes - such as travel (more intensely than in my previous posts), my life and experiences, photography and some more fashion posts. These changes are all because, as I've grown older, I feel like it's important for me to make my blog more personal and mature - it's important for my blog to grow as I grow as a person. As I mentioned earlier, my blog isn't going to change completely, I'm just making some changes to the content that I am posting and the format in which it's posted. I hope my readers can support these changes and hopefully the changes I make will allow both me and my readers to feel more connected and passionate about this lovely outlet that I have on the internet.

My personal goals and resolutions are things that I really am passionate about achieving. Here they are:

Firstly, I really want to do well in my studies this year. Completing my A Levels means university is on the horizon and I really want to do the best that I can do in my exams and get into a university that I genuinely feel passionate about. I'm going to be spending a lot of time completing school work and revision over the coming months and I really hope that my inevitable hard work pays off in the end. My education, until the end of June, at least, is my priority for this year and I really want to feel proud of the things I achieve within school.

I really want to do some more work experience this year. I know I said this last year, but I want to make it a priority to do at least one work experience placement over the course of the year. Hopefully, this will be easier to do now that I am 18 (most establishments in the field I want to go into don't take work experience students under the age of 18).

I want to travel more this year. I say this every single year and I generally manage to travel to at least one destination each year, but this year my goal is to go on my main holiday (Croatia with my friends in July) and hopefully go on a couple of city breaks. I really would like to go to Amsterdam, Edinburgh (I think I was around the age of 7 when I last visited the city) and I would love to go back to Paris this year. I also want to travel to a few cities around the UK this year - whether these plans happen or not is another question but fingers crossed they do!

I want to become more body confident this year. Whether this means losing weight, eating healthier or whatever, I don't know. I just want to find a way to feel more comfortable and confident in my own body.

I really feel that I want to (and need to) save my money more this year. It's all well and good having a job but I get paid weekly, and that makes it a lot easier to spend my money quicker. I've got a few big things to pay for this year (like my holiday) and I really want to save up for a new laptop, along with saving money for university so I really want to stop buying things that I don't really need and save my money to pay for more important things.

On that note, I think that concludes my list of goals and resolutions for the year. If I think of anything else, I will definitely let you know but I really hope I manage to achieve some of these goals this year. Good luck to anyone else with a list of resolutions or goals for 2017, I hope you find a way to accomplish what you want to accomplish. Thank you so much for reading my blog over the past year, I really hope you continue to enjoy it over the course of the next year.


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