
fashion, beauty and a bit of everything else

Lanzarote, Las Palmas, Spain


How crazy is it that it's the end of July already? This year is flying by and, since it is the end of July, it's time for my monthly favourites post. I'm currently on holiday in Lanzarote, having a lovely, relaxing time - but that doesn't mean I could miss out on my fave kind of post, does it?! I love writing monthly favourites posts because it lets me reflect on the past month, and allows me to look back on what I was loving at specific times and points in my life - I just think they're such great posts to be able to write!

Kicking off with music favourites this month, I've been listening to so many different artists and albums over the past month and I can genuinely, honestly say that I've been loving every single one featured in this favourites post. Firstly, Lawson released their new album this month and I am so genuinely happy that they've finally released new music - and it's amazing. Lawson have been one of my favourite bands for years now and I've been so excited for this new album and it one hundred percent did not disappoint at all - some of my favourite songs from Perspective are 'Rio', 'Used To Be Us' and 'Lion's Den', though every song on the album is great! I've also been obsessed with Catfish and the Bottlemen's The Ride album, oh my gosh, it's incredible. It's one of those albums that I could listen to on repeat for hours on end, I've really, really enjoyed listening to it for the past few weeks - some of my fave tracks are 'Oxygen', 'Anything' and 'Soundcheck'. Finally (I've got to stop myself at three albums because I'll just get too carried away!), I've been constantly listening to Last Year Was Complicated by Nick Jonas - he's still one of my faves, guys! I absolutely love Nick Jonas so I was extremely excited for his new album and, once again, he did not disappoint with his new release! If you want to, you can follow my current Spotify playlist, where I've got a whole selection of songs I've been loving recently!

In terms of beauty favourites this month, I actually only have one product that I've been obsessed with over the course of the month - I'm very proud of myself for holding back with the online shopping lately. I've been loving the MAC Dusky Rose x 9 eyeshadow palette recently. I picked this palette up back at the end of June when I went to London for the weekend and I genuinely consider it to be one of my all time favourite eyeshadow palettes! It's very 'me' and I think it's super versatile and easy to create so many different looks with. Some of my favourite shades in the palette are 'Pleasing To The Eye', 'Sable' and 'Macnificent Me!'.

A bit of a random favourite this month is DIY art. Though I didn't actually make the piece, I kind of assembled it, if that makes sense. When I went to London recently, I popped into a little store on Carnaby Street called We Built This City and there was so many cute little art pieces but unfortunately, as a 17 year old, I do not have the funds to purchase them but I came up with a little solution. I purchased a sheet of cute wrapping paper from the store and also purchased a photo frame from IKEA, and popped the wrapping paper into the frame and made my own little piece of art. I think this is a great idea for people like myself who want to get some artwork into their room but can't necessarily afford the expense of a genuine, 'proper' art piece and I'm obsessed with it.

Finally, I've been loving travelling recently - or not recently, I suppose. I always love travelling and visiting new places and going on an adventure but recently I've been enjoying it even more. I went to London, as you'll know by now, I'm currently in Lanzarote, I've practically been on a UK tour for all of my university open day visits and I just love it so much. I love experiencing different ways of life in different cities, and just exploring the local area of different cities and places. Ahh, I love it.

I hope you have a great week, doing whatever you're doing! Thanks so much for reading this post and I will see you next week with a new post!


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