
fashion, beauty and a bit of everything else

What's In My Make Up Bag?!

Hello everyone and welcome back to another beauty based post on my blog. Today, I wanted to show you guys what is in my daily make-up bag because, over the past few weeks, I have had a few new beauty purchases and my make-up routine has changed so therefore what is in my make-up bag has also changed. I am including accessories (brushes etc.), fragrance and some skincare in this too as I like to keep my daily products all together. 

Firstly, my make-up bag is from Forever 21 and was £6. I recently purchased it back in July when I went to London to shop - I literally shopped until I was about to drop (my bank account probably didn't appreciate it). I am absolutely obsessed with this make-up bag and I think its sooooo cute - if you didn't know, I'm a cat lover. Cats over dogs any day. 

The first thing in my make-up bag is my No.7 Essentially Natural foundation in the shade Calico. This is the foundation that I used for my prom make-up (you may already know this if you read that post at the end of June) and I've been using it almost every day since. It's very lightweight (as the packaging states) and has SPF 15, which is a bonus. I love it. The next product I have in my daily make-up bag is the Seventeen Stay Time concealer, which is also one of my favourite make-up products - hence why I use it almost every day. I definitely recommend it. I also have my all-time-favourite mascara in my make-up bag and it's the Seventeen Falsifeye HD mascara in the shade blackest black. I'm not even going to go into detail about how much I love this mascara because I'm sure you've seen it all before - either way, it's my ultimate favourite. The final (ish) face product in my make-up bag is the Make Up Revolution pressed powder in translucent. I purchased this the week of prom and have used it so much since, I really like it to just set my make-up with - definitely a new essential of mine. Onto lip products, it tends to vary between my Bourjois Color Boost chubby stick in the shade proudly naked and the Maybelline Baby Lips in the shade Peach Kiss. I find that both of these products are perfect for daily use and both are quite natural - the Bourjois Color Boost gives more of a tint of colour where as the Baby Lips is more of a neutral shade. Yet again, I love both of these products (what a surprise). 

Moving onto brushes and accessories now. Recently I purchased some new make-up brushes, these are by USpicy, which is actually a brand that I wasn't aware of until I came across them when online shopping (forever my weakness). I chose to purchase the 6-piece Professional Cosmetics Brush Kit in purple and I actually purchased this on Amazon so I got them for £8.99 instead of the RRP/normal price of £29.99 - bargain! At this price, I wasn't too bothered if I didn't like the brushes because I'd saved £21.00 instead of paying the normal price for them. I'm still trialing them and making sure I like them but so far so good. I also keep a pair of tweezers in my make-up bag just to keep my brows looking good, along with a brow brush. 

Finally, I have a couple of skincare and fragrance products that I like to keep in my make-up bag for a day to day basis. My current favourite cleansing wipes are actually the Superdrug own brand wipes - I'm not too sure of the official name of them as I just finished a pack and threw away the packet (oops!) but they're the ones that come in the green packaging. I have also been using the Freederm deep pore cleansing wipes and really like them. As I mentioned earlier, I went to London for a shopping trip in July and popped into Victoria's Secret. After probably 40 minutes trying to decide which body spray/fragrance and body cream/lotion to buy, I finally managed to choose and went with the Sheer Love scent for both products. Some of you may know that Victoria's Secret do have the offer on where you can purchase 3 of these kind of products for £24 instead of £13 each so my friend and I split it as she was purchasing the fragrance mist while I was purchasing both the fragrance mist and the hand and body cream so that was great. I am so unbelievably obsessed with both products and the packaging is so gorgeous, it hurts my heart. I love to use the hand and body cream after showering in the morning and then just before I get into bed at night as a moisturizer (as it is described as 'ultra moisturizing hand and body cream'). 

Thank you so much for reading this post and I hope you guys enjoyed it! This is just a quick summary of what's in my make-up bag for everyday and a few opinions on the products. If you do want a full make-up routine please let me know and I will definitely do an updated make-up routine post. 


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