
fashion, beauty and a bit of everything else

Fun Activities For Summer!

Hello everyone! I'm writing this post super early, as when this will be posted I will be on holiday in Portugal with my family (I'm hoping to do kind of a holiday diary post when I get home so if that all goes to plan, that should be posted next weekend or the weekend after - as I get home next Saturday evening). Anyway, I know that a lot of people (if you're at school / university / college) have broken up for the Summer holidays now and I also know how boring it can be if you don't have much to do where you live so I thought, why not do a quick post on a few activities that I love to do (or I'm hoping to do at some point this Summer) to give you guys a few fun ideas. Also, be sure to comment down below a few activities or things you guys love to do in Summer and let me know if you do any of the activities mentioned in this post!

1. Start a YouTube channel or a blog. Personally, I think this is a great way to get un-bored during the Summer (all year long, actually) and this is what I did last Summer when I was looking for something to do, and I love blogging so it definitely worked for me. Although (at the time of writing this) I do not have a YouTube channel, it is definitely something I would think about setting up - even though I don't think I'd be confident in front of a camera enough to be able to do it (but never say never!) and I do think it would be a super fun thing to do for the Summer, whether you do it with friends or have your own personal channel. 

2. Movie / TV show marathon! This is a perfect activity on those dull, rainy days as it gives you something to do AND you can watch your favourite episodes of your favourite show - or you could binge watch a brand new series! You could invite your friends over to swoon over your favourite character or you could just have a low key day with your family, or by yourself. After all, sometimes you do need a little relaxation time - especially after a tough, long, boring year at school.

3. Picnic and Bike Ride - honestly, I think this is such a cute idea for a day trip. It's super easy as all you need is a bike and some food, and you can go anywhere you want to go - you might just want to go to your local park or you might fancy a trip to a bigger, more countryside area (and it's a great activity for Instagram-worthy pictures!). 

4. Girls night with mocktails and ice cream. I feel like this is such a fun idea for spending a little bit of time with your girlfriends (or any friend, to be honest) and just chilling for a while, mocktails are a super cute addition to the night and who doesn't like ice cream?! What could be better?! 

5. Go to a music festival. I know this is probably one of the harder activities on this list to actually complete, because a lot of the time music festivals are either A) expensive or B) too far away to get to, however this is one of the activities that I've wanted to do for as long as I can remember. LIFE GOALS. 

6. Make smoothies. This is both a fun, yet healthy thing to do during the Summer. You can mix tons of different fruits and create the perfect smoothie, all catered to your liking and preferences. Smoothies are also super refreshing for those hot days (which, if you live in England, may not be so common but it just makes it even more special when it is actually hot).

7. Go strawberry picking. I cannot express how cute I think this activity would be, strawberry picking seems like such a fun idea and even if you don't like strawberries (like me, don't shoot me!) the experience would be super fun - and you can take gorgeous pictures with your family or friends to document the trip. 

8. Go on a hike. This is such a great way to keep fit, and have fun, during the Summer holidays - and how rewarding would it be when you've finished the route?! 

9. Make pizza. Pizza is one of the nicest foods around, and making it is extremely fun - and it's not very often that most people make pizza, and then eat it after! It's even more rewarding to be eating the meal you've just made from scratch.

10. Do something you've never done before. This could be anything. Go somewhere new, conquer a fear, try a new food - anything. The world is your oyster, after all. 

P.S - this post marks one year of this blog and I'm so thankful for everyone who has ever read my blog and ever supported me and my blog. It's crazy how time flies! 


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