
fashion, beauty and a bit of everything else

Holiday Series 2015: Holiday Essentials!

Hello everyone and welcome back to my 2015 Holiday series on my blog. Today's post is all about holiday essentials - so what is necessary to take on holiday and what I personally love to take with me when I am travelling or on holiday. These might be quite obvious to some of you but I just wanted to share my holiday essentials with you guys. 

Beauty Essentials
I generally keep my make up routine to a minimum when I am on holiday because 1) it saves time and, 2) it's often hot on holiday so you don't want to have loads of make up on. I won't go into very much detail on the topic of beauty because (spoiler alert!) my next post is going to be a hair and beauty on holiday post. Anyway my top essential for beauty is sun cream or sun tan lotion (whatever you may call it). This is so unbelievably important if you're off on holiday to a hot country and will be exposed to the sun a lot - you need to protect your skin and stay safe on holiday! 

Fashion Essentials
I have a few fashion items that are a must-have for me when I go on holiday. The first is a good pair of sunglasses (I do usually take two pairs in case one pair breaks or I decide to have one pair for lounging around in the pool etc and the other pair if I'm going out) - yet again, it's super important to protect your eyes in the hot and sunny climates you may be visiting. The next fashion essential I have for you guys is a pair of sandals - I mean, come on, who wants to be walking around in a boiling hot country wearing super thick shoes and boots etc?! Nobody. My tip for you guys is find a pair of sandals that are super comfortable and easy to walk in because you do not want to be waddling round like a penguin because you're wearing a pair of super uncomfortable shoes. My third and final fashion essential is a kimono. I really love kimonos and I think that they are extremely easy to style and wear, they are also a great item of clothing to have on holiday to protect your skin if you feel like you're burning slightly because they are typically very light and thin so you won't get too hot wearing it. Kimonos are also very helpful to wear at night time - where it may be slightly cooler but you don't want a massive thick jacket on. 

General Essentials
I feel like most of my main essentials for my holidays are generally covered in the fashion and beauty essentials categories but I have a couple of general essentials that I feel are a must-have for holidays (they may have also been mentioned in my last post). The first is an iPod (or MP3 device) because, you know what they say, music is the soundtrack to our lives and (for me, especially) music definitely helps you create the vibe and atmosphere that you want to create and experience. The next essential is some wet wipes (or face wipes) - great for getting sand etc off your body and refreshing your face in the heat. This may come under the beauty category but I think that wipes can be used in almost any situation. The final essential for me is more of an in-flight essential but it is a packet of sweets or chewing gum (a personal favourite of mine is Percy Pigs from M&S), this was mentioned in my carry on luggage post but I honestly do thing it is essential for travelling and taking on holiday - there's just something about it. 

Thank you so much for reading this post and let me know in the comments if you think I missed any holiday essentials. See you next week for the final installment of my 2015 Holiday Series. 


  1. This has helped, thank you!!! X



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