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Revision Tips and Essentials!!

Hello everyone! Today I was going to do an outfit post, but I've actually decided to postpone this post until next week (but don't worry, I will definitely be posting it next week!), so instead I decided that I would do a post on my revision tips, and essentials. I know a lot of people are actually starting (or may have already started) their revision round about now and they may be struggling for ways to revise - or how to revise effectively, and this is why I'm writing this post. I'm in the same boat as you guys this year, and these are my favourite tips on revising. 

Okay, my first tip is make a revision timetable. This is so important for maintaining a balance between subjects and staying organised when you're revising. I suggest that you focus on the subjects you aren't as strong in, so for me (for example) I'm actually revising maths on Mondays, Science on Tuesdays, Ethics on Thursdays and Spanish on Saturdays. Wednesdays and Fridays are reserved for subjects I find easier - Sociology and English, whereas Sundays are my homework and catch-up days. So, if I miss a day of revision due to something like an orthodontist appointment or a college interview, I can use Sundays to catch up or just go over key terms or equations. 

You should also try and write a list of areas you find easier (or know better) and a list of areas you need to focus on and this should help you organise your time better. Obviously you're going to need to revise most areas, but this will help you work on the areas you don't find as easy more efficiently - or give you more time to try and get those bits sorted and easier to understand. 

Find a way of revising that suits you. This is one of the most important tips that I have. You need to find a method of revision that helps you and works for you. Whether it's making revision cards (this is a personal favourite for me), using online sites (such as Doddle or MyMaths) or even re-writing the same thing more than once, this is so important in revising for your exams. You could use revision guides (most schools sell them, but if not you can just nip to W.H.Smith or somewhere like that) and go to revision classes if your school offers them. Either way, it's awfully important that you do find a way of revising that suits you. 

Leave time for socialising, relaxing and exercising! This is so important as you need to take a break, and I know that it's easier said than done for some people, but if you do too much revision and revise for too long, it will make you tired, and your brain won't absorb the information so it's better to take a break. Most schools advise that you take something like 40 minutes between each revision 'session'. 

Now for my revision essentials! This might be my favourite part of this post because, honestly, I don't think I'd be able to cope with revising without these few essential items!

The first essential for me, personally, is a good playlist. Some people find that they concentrate better when listening to music and I'm one of those people. I recommend composing a playlist that it's too 'depressing' or slow, because I tend to find that if you listen to more upbeat songs, it just motivates you more and definitely makes you feel generally happier when revising (if that's possible!). 

2 words. Starbucks Frappuccino. I love it, and it definitely is super refreshing and tastes super nice - my personal favourite is the Vanilla flavour. You should try it. That is all. 

This is kind of a tip and an essential but, you need to find somewhere comfortable and not distracting to sit and revise. I used to spend so much time revising while I was in bed but, to be completely honest, it did not help one bit. I'd come home and get in bed with my revision stuff and then get out for dinner and go back to revising in bed, and then get in bed properly. This is definitely not a good idea, as you're not moving around (and it probably won't do much for your posture either!) so I definitely recommend finding somewhere that's comfortable but also makes it easy for you to revise. 

That's all for this post so I hope this helps some of you and gives you an idea of how I'm preparing for the forthcoming exams in May and June. I think this is all of my tips and essentials, but if I do think of any others I will let you guys know (maybe in another post, I'm not sure). I'd love to hear what you guys do for revision so let me know in the comments if you've got any different tips or essentials.


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