
fashion, beauty and a bit of everything else

London, UK


All year long, I've banged on about being more consistent with my blog and really getting on top of things again. It's now December and I think it's pretty fair to say that I've definitely failed at my mission. I could make excuse after excuse but, quite frankly, I have neglected my blog. My last post was in October - and even that was just a style post. It feels like the only posts I've actually posted this year have been playlist posts and soppy posts all about my feelings (gross, if you ask me). 

So I don't know what this post is - I guess just an apology to any readers of my blog (and to myself, in a way) for not being around. And not being as committed as I should've been. I don't think there's any excuse for it, but - if I was going to defend myself - I have been working on quite a few projects for university; because, if you didn't know, I'm in my final year of my journalism degree. If you fancy reading anything I've written for an online site, here are some links to my pieces: 

I'm currently in the height of deadline season. And I'm stressed. But it's fine. I'm feeling quite positive - which is a little strange for me because 2019, on the whole, has been horrendous, and I've not felt overly positive whilst at university at any point. However, in late October to mid-November, I was really ill and ended up being off uni for three weeks. It wasn't ideal but I kind of saw it as a bit of a turning point - I was that ill that I couldn't get out of bed for days, I couldn't keep my eyes open for more than an hour and a half at a time because my tablets made me so drowsy; I've never felt that ill in my life. But, at that point, I made a comment about never complaining about anything once I was over the illness. I can't say I've not complained about various things but I've been a lot more positive about life. And I think it comes down to not feeling as run down as I had done at various points over the last year or so.

I came back to uni after my stint of illness and really tried to get my head down and focus and it's gone quite well for me. I've produced some good work, got some great feedback on what I've done and feel like I've placed myself well for the next semester. And I've not hated being here either - this almost month that I've been back has gone quickly, and it's been quite nice being in the city; I've not been pining for home either. 

So I'm going home on Wednesday for five weeks for Christmas. And I'm excited - there's no other word for it. I can't wait to see my friends and family and have some good times. I'm going back to work while I'm home too, so I can't wait to get back into the routine, catch up with my work besties and earn some money. 

I feel positive. I'm happy. And I've not felt like this in a while. I'm into it. 

And the blog, ah the blog - I'm going to be posting my playlist posts for the months of October and November in the coming days (I didn't forget!) and then I'm hoping it'll be straight to some Christmas content. And then who knows - but I'll keep you updated.

Thanks for sticking around x 


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