
fashion, beauty and a bit of everything else

London, UK


I'm a university student. A university student in London. Aka the most expensive place to live in the country. I am lacking talent in the cooking department. And I lack the funds to make exciting, unusual meals. And inspiration and motivation, too. So basically, this isn't going to be an inspiring, super healthy, life goals kind of post - but more of a realistic, not-aspirational diary of what I tend to eat in a day at university; enjoy.


Breakfast is a weird one for me because, most days, I tend to go without it - and, yes, I know it's the most important meal of the day but I'm either running late and don't have time to eat it or I wake up at a time that means it's kind of pointless eating breakfast - I may as well just go straight onto lunch. However, on the days that I do in fact eat breakfast (often if I have a 9am or 10am lecture), I'll just grab a quick bowl of cereal. I tend to go for the Kellogs multipack mini packets of cereal - if that makes sense. What can I say? I just can't commit to just one type!


Lunch is my main meal of the day. It's the meal that I actually cook - sometimes I'll go all out and make something from scratch (for example, my go-to salmon, tomatoes and potatoes meal), if I'm in a rush it might be just a microwave lasagne, and sometimes it might be a good old serving of fish fingers and (microwave) chips with a little bit of veg on the side. On this occasion, I've gone for simple chicken nuggets, chips and veg. And, honestly, look at the difference - nutritional vs really not that nutritional (kind of embarrassing, but I don't really care).


Tea is super simple for me - some days I'll have a sandwich (cheese is my go-to filling - I'm kind of obsessed), or sometimes I'll have a salad - you know, basic salad components and then I'll throw in some chicken pieces or chorizo to spice it up a little. And some days, a bag of crisps or a small tin of peaches will do me nicely if I'm not really hungry. Either way, it's simple but effective.

And, obviously, I'm a student so sometimes (aka all the time), I fancy a snack - I have a snack cupboard in my bedroom stocked with pretty much anything I might want for those late night work sessions, Netflix binges and just any time I want a snack. It's a very handy cupboard, let me tell you. I don't know what I'd do without it, haha!

Anyway, that's just a basic overview of what I eat in a typical day at university. I'm sure it's not been that insightful or interesting but it is my personal mission to improve my cooking skills over the summer when I have more time to properly practice and perfect the meals I make - I'm bored of eating the same basic food all the time!


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