
fashion, beauty and a bit of everything else

Nottinghamshire, UK

♡ Blogging Organisation ♡

Today, I'm writing a post that's probably quite popular within the blogosphere but I definitely do think it's a handy post to have around. I'm sharing with you how I stay organised with blogging - and, although I doubt this will be a super long post, I do hope that you enjoy a little insight into my personal world of blogging.

I love blogging - as you probably can tell (if I didn't enjoy it, I wouldn't still be doing it), and it's actually become my down-time hobby and a way for me to relax and de-stress from the world of school and a part time job. Sometimes, it can be difficult to balance school, revision, my job and blogging but I do have a few control measures in place to stop this from happening. The main one of these is creating a schedule - especially during exam season (for me, this is between March to June). I have a typical schedule that I have stuck up on my wall with specific timings / slots for me to fit in all the things I want to, and need to do. For example, on Mondays and Tuesdays, I'll do English revision (with a slot for my weekly driving lesson also on a Tuesday). On Wednesdays and Thursdays, it's Sociology. Friday is for catch up work and at the weekend, I'm at work during the days but tend to leave the evenings free for blogging. By having this lil gap in my 'timetable', I make sure that I'm up to date with my blogging and therefore won't miss a week of posts.

At the start of the year (I did this last year, too), I created a blog post schedule. By this, I mean that I wrote down every single date of every single Sunday for the year and started to plan the posts I would write. Obviously, I couldn't plan every week because who even has the time or ideas to plan for every single post for every week of the year? There were some dates, however, that I could plan because I already had things planned in my diary of things that are happening throughout the year. I'll give you a few hints: I'm going to New York in October, Lanzarote in July, and do have a few concerts booked - so it's safe to say that you should expect posts very closely linked to those events. I wrote this schedule up onto a document on my laptop and created three columns - one for the date, one for the post, and one for whether it had been completed and written. I also really like to bulk write a lot of my posts so I'll write three or four at a time and schedule them to upload (I'm really into being prepared with these things). This way, I (once again) stay on top of everything and can feel confident that my content on my blog is up to the standard I'd like it to be.

Finally, I have a little notebook - it's the one that I featured in my Portugal holiday haul back in August last year, and I use it to plan all of my blog posts. I use it to mindmap ideas, list things I want to include in my blog and generally plan with it. It's very handy and useful because it's not crazy big so I could carry it around with me if I wanted to, and it's an easy way to keep all of my planning and ideas together.

So that completes my little blogging organisation post. I hope that you enjoyed this post and perhaps got some ideas of how to stay on top of the workload and balancing everything while continuing to put content out there on your blog.


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