
fashion, beauty and a bit of everything else

Nottingham, Nottingham, UK

♡ Warm Me Up For Winter Tag ♡

Hello everybody! Today, I'm doing the Warm me up for Winter Tag, which I believe was created by Anastasia (aka Floral Princess on YouTube) and I have seen loads of YouTubers actually doing this tag, so I thought I'd jump on the bandwagon but do it on my blog instead. So here we are and I hope you guys enjoy this post. 

What's your favourite hot chocolate? 
I love love love hot chocolate in the Winter and I'm not that keen on tea and coffee so hot chocolate is my go-to hot drink but, of course, my favourite hot chocolate is from Costa and this year it's actually the black forest hot chocolate. Ahhh, it's so so so yummy. 

What's your favourite PJs / fluffy socks / slippers? 
I actually don't really wear slippers or fluffy socks so I can't really answer that but my favourite pyjamas are always changing (I'm forever mixing and matching my pyjamas) but, most of the time, I get my PJs from Primark and I tend to go for the leggings style bottoms. 

Favourite thing about Winter?
CHRISTMAS. Obviously. 

Favourite Winter lip product?
For lipsticks it would have to be Velvet Teddy by MAC. This is by far my favourite lipstick and I absolutely love it - I wear it most days, actually. For lip balm, I'd have to say that it's the Hydrate Baby Lips by Maybelline. 

Favourite Winter candle? 
I'm not going to lie, I don't actually have a favourite winter candle so I'm probably not going to be able to answer this.

Favourite cosy jumper?
I recently purchased a grey marl jumper from H&M and it's so comfy and so cosy so I'd have to say that (though I did buy it in a bigger size than I needed to make it extra comfy).

Favourite bath bomb? 
Luxury Lush Pud by Lush.

Favourite scarf?
Easy. My tartan scarf from Dorothy Perkins - it was mentioned in one of my OOTD posts back in February, I do believe.

Favourite winter scent? 
I don't know - all of them??

What do you like to do in the winter?
Relax and watch movies and drink hot chocolate and have a lovely time in general.

Favourite films?
ELF! Oh my gosh, I love The Polar Express and Arthur Christmas too. 

Do you like the snow?
No. Well, yes, it's nice to look at and take pictures of but it's a definite no when I have to go out in it. 

And on that note, I shall see you next week for more Christmas-y goodness on my blog! ♡ 


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