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My Revision Essentials!

As a lot of people (myself included) are in the midst of their exams - whether it's GCSE or A Level - I figured I would write a post on my personal revision essentials, and what has been helping me over the past few weeks.

1. Make a timetable (of both, your exams and the revision you need to do for each subject) and stick to it. This is something I found quite hard towards the beginning of my revision time, but if you stick to the timetable you make, you'll get into a routine and it will be a lot easier to sit and revise during the limited amount of time you have. 

2. Make a playlist. Some people work better listening to music - like me. Choose a genre or an album that relaxes you but make sure you can concentrate whilst listening to it - I can't listen to most of The Vamps' songs while I'm revising because it makes me want to get up and dance, and therefore distracts me from my revision (oops!). 

3. Stay hydrated. You need to keep drinking (and eating, for that matter) because it generally helps you concentrate better. I keep a bottle of water on my desk when I'm revising so I can keep hydrated and keep concentration levels high. 

4. HIDE YOUR PHONE. This is so important!!! If you're anything like me, you'll sit there most days, getting notifications on your phone and getting distracted from what you're doing. I spend more time tweeting, and snapchatting my friends than I spend actually doing what I'm supposed to be doing. I'm sure I'm not the only one guilty of this. 

5. Make sure you leave time to relax. I know this is probably easier said than done but it's so important that you don't over-work yourself and you do leave time to relax and socialise. If you constantly revise, you're less likely to remember the things you're revising and you're obviously not going to be keeping in contact with your friends - or even family. 

I really hope these 5 essentials / tips help you guys and I really hope you do as well as you possibly can in your exams. Good luck!


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