
fashion, beauty and a bit of everything else

A day in the life of me!!

Today, I felt like pushing the boat out a little bit and writing a post which (I think) is quite unusual and is definitely something I wouldn't normally post so, with that being said, I chose to write a post on a day in the life of myself - and show you guys what I usually spend my time doing. By the way, this is what I generally do at weekends (and please do bear in mind that I, along with many others, am in the midst of preparing for my exams. 

So, I usually wake up between 8 and 9am and I'll get out of bed to get my phone and go back and sit in bed for a bit to just have a general scroll down most of my social networks - I tend to start with Instagram, then Twitter, then I'll reply to my texts and check my emails and then move onto getting rid of other notifications. I generally do this for about 20 minutes to half an hour - depending on my mood, and then get up and go and say morning to everyone (and probably look for food) and grab a drink. 

I'll then either go and watch TV for a bit if I have programmes to catch up on, or sometimes just go back upstairs and listen to music. After a bit of doing that, I'll go and get ready and after I'm ready, I'll get my revision or homework out and spend a couple of hours doing that, and then at around 12.30-ish, I normally stop doing revision for a little bit. If I'm going out with friends or family, I'll go out in the afternoon and probably have food outside and then come home and do some more revision until around 6.30 where I tend to stop for the day. I generally have my dinner at around 7pm so after I've eaten my dinner, I'll just relax for a few hours - I'm not going to lie, this usually includes either watching Pretty Little Liars, online shopping, social networking or watching a movie (most likely High School Musical). 

At about 9.30pm, I generally start to get ready for bed (you can look at my Night Routine post if you want to see what I tend to do to get ready for bed), and then I'll get into bed and either finish watching my movie, or watch YouTube videos and then scroll down a few of my social networks. However, in the summer, I do read a lot more at night time - probably because it's lighter at night. 

So that's my usual kind-of day. I hope you guys liked this post! 


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