
fashion, beauty and a bit of everything else

OOTD: Ed Sheeran's X Tour!!

Happy Sunday, everyone!! Today's post is another OOTD post, from my outfit when I went to Ed Sheeran's Multiply tour on the 22nd October. Firstly, let me start by saying how amazing the night was. I was super excited for the tour and it lived up to my expectations! It was amazing!!

My outfit was originally going to be my checked sleeveless shirt from New Look with a black skater skirt but as the day went on, it got colder and more rainy so I decided on wearing my sleeveless black cross shirt with a slight peplum along with my plain black leggings and black leather jacket. I always tend to wear shirts with no sleeves to concerts because it tends to get very warm in the venue due to the amount of people, and I think that I made the right choice when choosing what shirt to wear to this particular gig. 

I paired my outfit with my black chelsea boots from Boohoo.com because they're super comfortable and due to the fact it was raining, they were suitable footwear for the occasion. 

Sorry this post isn't really very detailed, but it was quite a simple outfit for the occasion. If anybody went to Ed Sheeran's tour, I'd love to see their outfits or hear their reviews on the show so let me know in the comments below. Hope everyone has a wonderful week!



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