
fashion, beauty and a bit of everything else

First post!

Hey guys, so I'm super excited that this is my first post. I've been wanting to get into blogging properly for a while now, and because I'm on summer holidays from school and I have a lot of time to spare (my social life isn't very exciting at the moment!) I've decided to do it now. I have another blog which is a Pretty Little Liars blog, which I'll post a link to down below so you can check it out if you want, but I've been wanting to create more of a personal/fashion/favourites kind of blog for a while but haven't had much motivation to do so. 

I think I'm going to be posting about fashion, my life and my favourites in general really, but if anyone has any requests or ideas for posts I'd love to hear them so comment below or tweet / DM me - here is the link to my twitter page: x_omgjodie

I'm going to try to post at least once or twice a week, unless I'm super busy or on holiday / don't have internet connection, but when I go back to school in September I'll come up with a proper schedule (at the moment I'm thinking it'll probably be every Saturday but I'll decide for definite in September). 

I really, really hope you'll like my blog when it's properly up and running! 


My Pretty Little Liars blog: prettylittle-theories.blogspot.co.uk
Twitter: x_omgjodie
Instagram: instagram.com/heyitsjodie_
Tumblr: heyits-jodie.tumblr.com


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